21 December 2008

And more ice pictures

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More Nauvoo Pictures

Here are some more pictures

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Cold Nauvoo

So, we finally went to Nauvoo!!! Unfortuantley, most everything was closed due to the ice storm that had hit the night before. As you can see, Jon (athan) kept telling everyone he wasn't cold. As you can see from the pictures, that might not have been the most truthful statement he has stated in a while:)

It was beautiful, and it might be worth going to see again, when it isn't snowing or freezing.

Visting St. Louis was wonderful and I was glad that we could go visit Jon's family for Christmas.

We love you all, and if we are not going to see you at the holidays, Merry Christmas.
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21 September 2008

more puzzle pictures

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So, Spencer came over to make cookies, but discovered my frog puzzle. Much to the dismay of the people who have played with this puzzle, once I explained what the goal was, he put it together faster than most people who have tried. We did get
some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies made:)

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01 September 2008

Sorry, have to add the reason Jon picked this resort, the pool. Night
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More cool pictures from the resort... Check out Jon looking very Jon like:) with his hat and blackberry. Anyone want to buy a cheap, somewhat used blackberry, I might be willing to part with it... (lol). Ok, now I am done with this whole blogging thing for a while.
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Cool hotel room.

These are pictures from our trip to Sanctuary for our anniversary. I am working on figuring out how to pick the pictures I want to show up, so bear with me:)

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Finally, I have a blog, don't drop dead from excitement

Here is Jon's and my blog, we have nothing to say, but this should make everyone happy.....