31 January 2010

A glimpse into my mom's brain

So, my mom brought me home one afternoon, and while I was asleep, she took the two pictures above. They reminded her of the pictures that she used to see in the Wizard of Oz book and decided that I needed to see something about witches. Becuase she hasn't ever watched all of the Wizard of Oz, she assumed that I would be board, so for the past week, she and I have been watching "Into the Woods." Now, some might say that this play is a little deep for a six month old, but outside of the allegory about the potential problems the writers saw with the creation of the European Union, I am learning that there are tons of different kinds of moms.... many of them over protective, usually not on purpose.

In the play/movie there is the Baker's wife, who desprately wants to have a child, once she gets it, she realizes that she was more enamored with the idea of a child.

There is Cinderella, who has potential as a mother, simply becuase her step mother was so horrible.

There is the stepmother, who cannot see past her own needs and by extension her children.

There is little red riding hood's mother is who is just absent.

Jack's mother is overwhelming and tries to make her son into the head of household that she so desprately needs.

Rupunzel is in need of prozac and a good nanny, and the witch who is obsessed with vanity (everyone's...)

At the end of the day, I am realizing that maybe my mom is just horribly lacking in sleep, I would let her sleep, but I am really not enjoying this teething thing, so, maybe next year.

Then, I am saying Da-da-da-da, just to really rub it into my my mom that she has a way to go. Here are some picturs of me playing on my dad's stomach......
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18 January 2010

Please parents, buy a map


So, from watching cool TV shows like Oprah, I understand, that in warm weather, you holiday in cooler areas and in cool weather, you holiday in warmer areas. Then there are my parents. We live in Arizona!!!!!! Why would we want to leave AZ in the middle of a 70 degree winter?

But, my parents decided I needed to meet my parent's relatives and friends in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in January. Why?

But, here are pictures of my (great) Grandpa Koester, (great) Grandma Koester, my cousin (Henry) and his dad (Peter), and my dad's buddy Bart... while it was fun to go, as you can see from the pictures of mom and I, it was a little cold for us warm weather girls...

Mom promised that we would get this weather thing resolved.

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What a week it was


So, last week, my dad went to McDonalds, and while he might not have planned on sharing, becuase I have been working on my grasping ability, I ended up with the fries... Jealous? Do you think I am too young for yummy french fries with salt and fat? Even after the fries were gone, I was having difficulty letting go of the yummy container.

Last week, I also went to another hockey game. Do you think my parents understand I picked them because they live in Arizona... who wants to go to cold places? Are they trying to abuse me?

More later
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06 January 2010

Christmas in AZ

It has been a while since I have posted a full blog, but I had my mom to myself for about 10 days, and other than gaining 10lbs because of it, I got so spoiled, mom grounded me from the computer again.... dang it. Well, I didn't get the American Doll, instead, I got a Cabbage Patch Kid, I think I might like Evelyn Georgia better, considering my cousin who got Kit let grandma hold Kit, so she could hold me. It is all good, I also got a sippy cup, so, I got everything that I could have thought of for my first Christmas. Here are some pictures from the holiday season
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02 January 2010

mom's cool sister

So my parents are slackers, but fortunately I have a really cool Aunt Deana (everyone needs one of these:) who decided that it would be tragic if I didn't have cards to send out to my adoring fans, so, she did this amazing card for me while she was so busy getting ready for Christmas for her three boys and helping out my grandma and papa Brown for the holidays.... Shout out to Aunt Deana, and to those of you who haven't gotten a card that want one, let my slacker parents know, and they will get you one:)
