01 November 2009

drool monster

So, I have been spending the last week working on my sitting skills, but from this weeks pictures, you would think my parents only care that I am now a drooling machine. Take this first picture for example. Here I am looking particularly adorable (if I must say so myself) in my cute leggings and tunic, sitting by myself and does my mom focus in on me???? Nope, she takes a picture of me and my drool spot from just a few minutes before when I was getting dressed. I am still young, I don't have full control of my drooling abilities.

Ok, then my mom invites my dad to get into the picture, and he squishes me...... ugh, can't a baby catch a break???? He is sitting crooked, now I look both uncomfortable and lopsided, when it is just his fault.
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1 comment:

R.G. said...

Drooling takes skill little one!